Sunday 17 June 2012

The end of the our school year is here. We have finished our lessons.

 Now you are preparing yourselves for some national exams. They start on Monday. I imagine that you have been studying for quite a few days.

I Hope your exams go well.

I wish you the best results.

I want you have a great holiday.

Don't forget to always to reach for the stars.

See you next year...

Sunday 20 May 2012

Hello guys and dolls,

We've been very busy with our reading and writing tests and haven't had much time for our bloge.

Never mind. Now, I have something to help you further. As we are entering the Listening test week, I would like you to practice your listening skills with the help of online listening sites.

With simple exercises:


Listening with interpretation exercises. Try first to listen and do the exercises then read the tapescript:


I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Tons of hugs.

Sunday 6 May 2012

This week we have to move on to new ground. Remember I spoke to you about British English versus American English? Well, we are going to learn further about it.

First, I'm going to give you some lists of words. Then, we are going to find out about other differences in the two linguistic systems (to systematize what I introduced in class)

Word lists:

Other differences:

And finally I want you to do some exercises on this subject matter because we don't have much time to practice it in class.


To verify your work to me, I want you to print at least three of the exercises on one of the categories (eg. vocabulary differences, grammar, spelling, etc.) and give them to me.    

Thank you,

and see you in class.


Wednesday 2 May 2012

Hello everybody,

This week we have been studying the Passive Voice. So that you can have extra exercises and extra tutoring I'm going to give you some sites which you can use to revise.

If you have any problems talk to me in the classroom.
Enjoy yourselves.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Hello my darlings,

I have the first assignment for you. 

For this week I would like you to find out more about the short story we will be working during the next lessons. 

I would like you to go to the following link and find more about the story we will be reading.

In class and by Friday, I want you to present some spoken activity about the next items:
  • what you found interesting about Maya Angelou's life, her career or any other aspect of her background;

  • point out a moment that you find entertaining about the plot;  

If you have any difficulties ask me in class. 

See you in class.

Hi my darlings,

This term we will be doing some activities through this blog.

The idea is for you to learn further and to have fun while doing so with the help of technology.

I will ask you to search new and interesting things so we can talk, write, listen and read about them in class and out of class.

We can post our conversations by commenting and interacting with one another.

I think we can have great fun together.

Till next time.